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Service Object

This object is automatically created by Polytoria. Additionally, scripts cannot change its parent.

Not newable

This object cannot be created by scripts using Instance.New().

Environment is the primary object intended for storing active objects in the place.

Inherits Instance


CreateExplosion → void


Position [ Vector3 ]

Radius [ float = 10 ]

Force [ float = 5000 ]

affectAnchored [ boolean = true ]

callback [ function = nil ]

damage [ float = 10000 ]

Creates a deadly explosion killing players and applying force to parts at the given position.


game["Environment"]:CreateExplosion(Vector3.New(0, 0, 0), 30, 5000, false, nil, 10)

When set to true, AffectAnchored will unanchor parts within the explosion radius.

Callback gets called for each part within explosion radius.

OverlapBox → Instance[]


position [ Vector3 ]

size [ Vector3 ]

rotation [ Vector3 ]

ignoreList [ array = Instance[] ]

Returns a list of instances intersecting with the box in the given position, size and rotation.

A demo of this method is available here.


local intersections = game["Environment"]:OverlapBox(Vector3.New(0,0,0), Vector3.New(2,2,3), Vector3.New(0,0,0))

for i,v in ipairs(intersections) do
    print(v.Name .." is intersecting the box!")

OverlapSphere → Instance[]


position [ Vector3 ]

radius [ float ]

ignoreList [ array = Instance[] ]

Returns a list of instances intersecting with the sphere in the given position and radius.


local intersections = game["Environment"]:OverlapSphere(Vector3.New(100,0,45), 25)

for i,v in ipairs(intersections) do
    print(v.Name .." is intersecting the sphere!")

Raycast → RayResult


origin [ Vector3 ]

direction [ Vector3 ]

maxDistance [ float = infinite ]

ignoreList [ array = Instance[] ]

Casts a ray from origin with a specified direction and returns a RayResult for the first hit object.


local hit = game["Environment"]:Raycast(barrel.Position, barrel.Forward)

if hit and hit.Instance:IsA("Player") then
    hit.Instance.Health = 0

RaycastAll → RayResult


origin [ Vector3 ]

direction [ Vector3 ]

maxDistance [ float = infinite ]

ignoreList [ array = Instance[] ]

Casts a ray from origin with a specified direction and returns a RayResult array for all hit objects.


local hits = game["Environment"]:RaycastAll(Vector3.New(0, 10, 0), Vector3.New(0, -1, 0), 100)

for i, hit in pairs(hits) do
    print("Hit at " .. hit.Position .. "!")


FogColor : Color

The color of the fog. Fog is a visual effect that makes the world look like it is covered in a colored mist.


Change the fog color to white:

game["Environment"].FogColor = Color.New(1, 1, 1, 1)

FogEnabled : boolean

Whether or not fog is enabled.

FogStartDistance : float

The distance from the camera at which fog starts to appear

FogEndDistance : float

The distance from the camera at which fog is fully opaque

Gravity : Vector3 = Vector3.New(0, -75, 0)

The direction and strength of gravity in the world

PartDestroyHeight : int

The height at which unanchored parts are destroyed when they fall below it.


game["Environment"].PartDestroyHeight = -2000

Skybox : SkyboxPreset

The default skybox preset to use for the world, if no ImageSky is present.