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BETA Feature

ModuleScripts are currently in BETA. As of right now, you aren't able to run functions from ModuleScripts. However this is a planned feature in the near future.

Current Issues:

  • You can't call functions that are imported from a ModuleScript

  • You can't edit data such as tables that are imported from a ModuleScript

ModuleScripts are specialized scripts to hold data that can be accessed by other scripts using the require() function.

It is important to define and return a table in a ModuleScript. When the place starts, the server and the client will run the ModuleScript once and store the result for other scripts to retrieve with require().

When trying to require a specific module script, put the path to the ModuleScript in the require function.

Inherits BaseScript


ModuleScript named Structures located in game["ScriptService"]

local Structures = {
    ["Tower"] = {
        ["Description"] = "This tower will obliterate any enemies on the way to the castle!",
        ["Price"] = 95,
        ["AttackDamage"] = 5

-- Make sure to return the table to be able to access it in other scripts!
return Structures

In a Script/LocalScript:

wait(0.1) -- The ModuleScript might only start running after this Script/LocalScript began running and thus this wait() is necessary
local Structures = require(game["ScriptService"]["Structures"])

print(Structures["Tower"]["Description"]) -- Prints out "This tower will obliterate any enemies on the way to the castle!" like how it was defined in the ModuleScript above.